You can now pre-order “Out of the Embers” (by Bradley Jersak)
Now available for pre-order OUT OF THE EMBERS: FAITH AFTER THE GREAT DECONSTRUCTION by Bradley Jersak foreword by Brian Zahnd CLICK HERE to order now Description: Deconstruction: Trendy brand name for falling away from belief in God? Or a process essential to authentic faith? Liberation or trauma? Prison break or exile? It’s complicated. Just like […]
Loving Liminal Space – A Blessing for Transition – Bradley Jersak
“Loving Liminal Space” Note: this blessing was originally personalized to a young friend in transition. I felt it might be expanded to address all those passing through emotional and spiritual reorientation. If the shoe fits… Dear friends in transition, I offer my blessing as you celebrate each significant waypoint on your journey. I recognize that […]