A More Christlike JOB (the book) – Bradley Jersak

Question: I think I had a revelation reading the Book of Job this week. I wondered why the book bothers with so many conversations that are just wrong anyway and why God needed to correct Job. But what if Job is prophetic? For example, chapters 14-16 are nearly a direct match for the suffering of […]
Q&R “Resist Not the Evil Person”? Bradley Jersak

Question I was thinking about the passage where Jesus says not to resist someone who’s trying to rob you and I was wondering what that meant. Suppose a delivery I was expecting doesn’t come in, does that mean I shouldn’t ask for a refund? My common sense says no but the passage seems on the […]
Guest Post – Co-Suffering, Co-Struggling – Lazar Puhalo

From the Monk Lazar I have two things in my heart that I would ask you to share when given the opportunity. “The Passions” (1) Remind people that the word “passion” means suffering. When we speak about “the passions,” we are not talking about “sin.” Rather we are speaking of inner human suffering. When a […]
“Son of Perdition”? Bradley Jersak

QUESTION: I’m curious to know what Jesus means by “…except for the son of destruction…” when he prays to his Father, “Of those whom you have given me, I have lost not one…” (John 17:12). What do you think he would mean by that among all the other inclusive things he had to say? Of […]
Forgiveness is Scandalous Again – Bradley Jersak

THE SCANDAL… Over several years, I have been tracking the results of a rolling survey by a Christian teacher, Dan White Jr. Although we’ve never met, I would call him an online friend. As Dan visits faith communities across America, he invites Christians to follow Jesus. But wait, isn’t following Jesus the very definition of […]
“Follow Me”: Footprints in the Snow – Bradley Jersak

MATTHEW 4:18-22 18 As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter, and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 19 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” 20 At once they left their nets […]
A Timely Revisit to NT Wright’s “Surprised by Hope”

Revisiting N.T. Wright’s Surprised by Hope after the Death of My Dad Bradley Jersak With the release of N.T. Wright’s instant classic, Surprised by Hope, Christian theology received a much-needed chiropractic adjustment to its basic theology of our blessed hope beyond the grave. In brief, Wright reminded us that our ultimate end is not in a […]
“Sorry for your loss” – Eulogy & Funeral Message Lloyd Jersak

Eulogy for Lloyd Jersak (1937-2023) Lloyd Jersak’s eulogy is a distillation of memories he shared with his sons, Rodney and Bradley, one month ago. Lloyd Jersak was born on August 28, 1937, to Jaroslav and Emilie Jersak, and was delivered in their farm home outside Minitonas, Manitoba. He grew up in a close-knit family, with […]
“Kyrie, eléison” (“Lord, Have Mercy”) Bradley Jersak

JEWISH & CHRISTIAN ORIGINS OF THE WORD ‘MERCY’ Following their Jewish forbears, whose hymns proclaimed, “Your mercy endures forever!” the first Christians crafted a simple and beautiful prayer, “Kyrie, eléison,” which translated is “Lord, have mercy.” To get a feel for the meaning of the word “mercy,” we think of how, in Hebrew, it doubles […]
Q&R with Bradley Jersak – Damned Goats – “Eternal Punishment”? in Matthew 25
Question: How does Matthew 25:31-46 not contradict the grace and mercy of God and God’s desire that all shall be saved? 41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels…. 46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the […]