A good God who doesn’t always heal? – Bradley Jersak

In A More Christlike God, I describe the self-revelation of God in Christ, who is self-giving, radically forgiving, and co-suffering Love. That image of God is cruciform, uncontrolling, but still deeply caring. So how do we hang onto the image of God as a loving heavenly Parent when (1) Jesus told us to pray with […]

“Vengeance is Mine”? Bradley Jersak

QUESTION I was wondering if you could comment even briefly on Romans 12:9. It says, “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.” I totally reject the interpretation that God is going to punish our enemies […]

“He ran, fell on his neck, and kissed him.” – Bradley Jersak

“He ran, fell on his neck, and kissed him.” “Fell on his neck” is such a strange idiom. My inner literalist chuckles if I picture it out of context. It sounds more like a professional wrestling move than an affectionate hug. That said, in my early college days (circa 1982), when my roommate returned from […]

Guest Post – Gathering – by Kerri Martens

The sun is a ball of overeager energy; its bright, fat, fingers of heat clutching the small windows and doors, trying to push their way inside, the smell of hot dirt and clashing cooking spices wafting through the air already, though it’s only morning. I sit, resting my head against the cool, clay bricks of […]

“Attack & Extract” Evangelism – No More – Bradley Jersak

Moving on from Attack & Extract Evangelism Definitions Proselytism – to induce someone to convert to one’s faith. Evangelize – to preach the gospel to someone. The Great Commission – “Then Jesus came to [the eleven apostles] and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of […]

The Co-suffering Conscience

THE CO-SUFFERING CONSCIENCE Bradley Jersak Awareness I am aware of the gifts I’ve been given as blessings from God, family, and the body of Christ. I will use these where I’m able, let go where I can’t, and seek to use them in service of others. I am aware of the harm I’ve done along […]

Guest Post: “A Meditation on Power” by David Goa

6 June 2016 Sahakarini[1] AGM, Camrose A Meditation on Power David J. Goa Members of Sahakarini, friends. When Gail Stolee wrote to me some six weeks ago and asked who I might suggest to speak on power, I responded with a number of names, including those in our midst and nearby who have exercised political […]

Reversed Perspective – Bradley Jersak

Vanishing Lines I had coffee yesterday with a friend of mine, Bill Thiessen, who led Eden and me on a life-altering journey to Jamaica and Haiti three decades ago. We were reflecting on aging, as I am about to turn 60, and he is now nearly 90. Bill reminded me how important hope is. He […]