What ‘Christ Died for Our Sins Meant to the Fathers’ – Brad Jersak

The following summary represents what we find in the classics of early Christian thought as they recalled the ‘faith once delivered,’ and sought to articulate the meaning of the Incarnation in light of the revelation that Christ was both fully human and fully divine. For primary readings on this, see for example: Athanasius, On the Incarnation […]

(Im)Perfect Humility: 5 Wise Voices – Brad Jersak

Humility.  An evasive and misunderstood virtue. I’ve not learned it. But together, we can ponder it from five wise voices. Don’t figure it out. Just be still and marinate.  1. With Moby – “This Wild Darkness”  Tried so hard to be good For myself, for you, for the hidden and divine For everything but I […]