OFFICIAL INVITATION – SSU will be offering this fall’s OTC course on Hebrews for Grad Studies credit (cost, approx. $1000 USD on top of the OTC fee).
To register, first sign up for the class through
Next, please email Debbie at and say, “I would like to register for Hebrews BIB5728 this fall. What is the next step?”
The Epistle to the Hebrews BIB5728
Fall 2022 (to Feb. 2023)
3 credit hours
Supervising Professor: Bradley Jersak (
Lecturers (Primary Panelists and Guest Lecturers): Dr. Chris Green, Fr. John Behr, Dr. Bradley Jersak, Dr. Cherith Fee Nordling, John MacMurray, Fr. Kenneth Tanner, Dr. Julie Canlis, Wm. Paul Young, Brian Zahnd.
Duration: This course will consist of 23 weekly 90-minute online lectures/discussions from September 7, 2022 to February 23, 2023 (Dec. 22 and 29 off).
Time: Lectures will take place each Wednesday at noon PST, 1 pm Mountain, 2 pm Central, 3 pm Eastern, 4 pm Atlantic, 8 pm Greenwich